new key fob cards

Popularity of key fobs sees upsurge in production at PCS

  • by PCS
  • 02.12.2011
  • Case Studies

With the six-millionth plastic key fob rolling off the production line this week, Plastic Card Services, (PCS), has revealed a growing trend in the use of the product in loyalty and reward schemes.

Sales in key fobs have increased dramatically during the past six months, resulting in nearly £1 million worth of new business for the UK’s leading plastic card manufacturer.

Adam Unsworth, Sales Director at PCS says: “Key fobs can give companies a range of additional benefits that you don’t necessarily get from traditional cards so we are finding that many of our clients, particularly retailers, are choosing this in addition to the standard card offering.

Key fobs can come in all different shapes and sizes, but are generally around 3 x 2cm with a hole punched through them so users can carry and store on a key ring or chain. They are more convenient and give consumers more flexibility in how and where they are used, while still providing as much functionality as a traditional plastic card.

Unsworth is quick to point out that the trend is not about replacing the traditional card completely, but instead, retailers are using the key fob as an additional component to their loyalty, reward or membership scheme: “Basically, consumers and businesses alike love cards – it’s something that we are all familiar with, have confidence in and feel we can rely on. The key fob is an extension to this, adding value and giving retailers an alternative interface with their customers.”

PCS is currently producing cards and key fobs for Holland & Barrett’s new loyalty card scheme, ‘Rewards for Life’, which was launched nationwide at the end of September. The company has also invested £200,000 in a specialist high-speed key fob punch system to increase its capacity in this area.