Adam Unsworth

New year predictions: Adam Unsworth, Plastic Card Services

  • by Plastic Card Services
  • 31.12.2018
  • Company News

PCS Managing Director, Adam Unsworth took time out to discuss his job and what he predicts for the year ahead, with Print Week magazine. See the transcript below.

What’s at the top of your Christmas wish list this year?
I would like a new lens for my camera, but it’s not cheap so I daren’t ask! Providing my family are happy, then I’m happy. From a business perspective, another successful and prosperous year would be the ultimate gift!

What trend (business or technology) do you think 2018 will be remembered for
Personally, I will remember 2018 for its glorious summer and exciting sporting events, which in turn stimulated the economy giving the UK a much-needed boost.

What do you think will represent the single biggest opportunity for printers in 2019 and why?
I believe great opportunities lie within direct mail, not just for 2019 but beyond. We live in an age where you would be foolish to attempt to stem the flow of new technology. However, organisations are looking for alternative routes to market which has born a resurgence in direct mail.

What do you think will represent the single biggest threat for printers in 2019 and why?
I don’t think there will be anything necessarily different about 2019, but the ever-present threat of technology will no doubt continue to put pressure on printing businesses. That said, there will always be a place for physical media, and as marketeers continue to look for the best returns on their investment, we hope to enjoy yet another very buoyant year.

What’s the one thing that the industry should do more of, or do better, in 2019?
Printers work tirelessly to produce marketing material on behalf of businesses in all sectors of industry, but what they often fail to do is market themselves effectively. So perhaps this is an area we should all look to improve…

What was your biggest disappointment in 2018?
Manchester United.

What was your highlight of 2018?
Our 25th Anniversary celebration, combined with the launch of our new investments and web-to-print platform Plastic Card Hub, and not forgetting being crowned Business of the Year at the Cheshire Business Awards.

What are your hopes for 2019?
I hope to continue to expand the team in order to maintain growth and profitability. I would also hope that we implement ‘phase 2’ of our web-to-print platform which will see the addition of new products and ranges.

What is your one-word view on Brexit?

What was the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
On my first day at high school the headmaster made a very grand speech in the assembly hall and hammered home the point that ‘the more you put into life, the more you get out’. Bit of a cliché I know, but it stuck with me and has been my mantra in all walks of life ever since.

What if anything will you do differently in 2019?
Business improvement is important to us, so whilst we are not considering large fundamental changes, we will continue to review processes and procedures on an ongoing basis to move forward and stay ahead of the competition.

What’s your favourite Christmas cracker joke?
Why was the turkey in a band? He was the only one with drumsticks.

What was the best Christmas present you ever received?
My daughter was born in December. It was a little early, but the best Christmas present ever!

Are you making any New Year’s resolutions? If so, what?
I haven’t made any resolutions in many years, perhaps my resolution should be to make more resolutions!!