What type of loyalty card scheme could my business consider?

  • by Plastic Card Services
  • 17.04.2013
  • Articles

In the business environment customer retention is the name of the game and it’s crucial that you look to drive in new customers while keeping the existing ones that you have at every turn. Although good service will go a long way to ensuring that you keep the customers you have worked so hard to get, sometimes it always helps to have just that little bit extra, and that’s where you might consider a loyalty card service.

Combining the need for a loyalty system with the reliability of a card service, a loyalty card scheme can be the perfect development for your business, especially if you are looking to find a way to drive in additional clients. In return for joining your loyalty scheme, your clients can expect to receive discounts on their products as well as even cash back or free gifts after they have reached a certain spend and in many ways this can really help bring clients in to your business.

What is a loyalty card scheme?

A loyalty card scheme is a way of ensuring that your clients are rewarded for repeat business with your company and it’s a system where you are able to provide them with a good reason to keep coming back to your company time and time again. Loyalty card schemes generally involve the cardholder collecting “points” which they can then use to purchase rewards with, usually cash back or even gifts from the shop.

Loyalty card holders can be offered the opportunity to collect a certain number of points each time and may even be offered additional “bonus” points as part of a special offer. This is usually over a promotional period or even when they sign up.

Why would my business choose a scheme like this?

If you are looking for additional ways to keep your customer retention up then this can be a great opportunity to do just that while being of relatively low cost to your business (you are only offering products which you have already marked up accordingly). Overall it can be a great, low-cost way to promote business for your company.